
Information & Resources

LIHTC Utility Allowance: 2020 Updates You Need to Be Aware Of

LIHTC Utility Allowance: 2020 Updates You Need to Be Aware Of

With everything going on in the world, you might have forgotten about changes and updates to the LIHTC utility allowance in 2020. You might even be scrambling right now as you try to complete your annual review without the information. Fortunately, we put together...

HUD Utility Schedule Model: Important Tips You Should Know

HUD Utility Schedule Model: Important Tips You Should Know

Preparing for your LIHTC annual utility allowance review can feel overwhelming sometimes. We understand how frustrating it is when you don’t have all the information you need, or you can’t find that form you have to submit today. That’s why we put together this...

HUD Eviction Notice During the Current Pandemic

HUD Eviction Notice During the Current Pandemic

COVID-19 swept through the nation and left many property managers in a bind – they still needed to pay their mortgages, but millions of Americans couldn’t pay their rent. With federal and state governments scrambling to prevent mass evictions, multifamily properties...

COVID-19 Resources for Affordable Housing Providers

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